So last night we had a pretty wild lightning storm so I shut everything down early and did not get my post done, so here it is...better late then never, even though this looks better in person.
I was actually glad to go to bed early, I am SOOO enjoying reading Twilight. OMG! I don't want to stop, and it has been a longggggggg time since I have read a book that I was so excited to get back to it, and that says a lot because I read all the time.
So here is another one of my swap cards, I had to do something a little quicker, cause after cutting out 25 monkeys and 100 bananas my fingers are killing me, (how sad I actually cut out three leaves, and a peony to pop, but after looking at it, I don't think it needs it.) I wish I had some new In Color ribbons though, but alas, nada, zip, none, for another couple weeks!!!! I still may switch out the pink for some sort of green though. If this was for a class I would put on one of the new buttons, but I am a little stingy with them for a swap card...I know bad Diana!
I love this set, it is my Roses in Winter wanna-be set!
What I used is:
Stamp Set: Pretty Peony, Heard from the Heart, Itty Bitty Backgrounds
Paper: Basic Black, Whisper White, Bella Rose DSP
Ink: Basic Black, Kiwi Kiss, Old Olive, Pink Pirouette, Riding Hood Red
Misc: Black gingham, Pink gingham, white gel pen and paper piercer
So yesterday I was spinning the TV channels around and came across a show called Junk Brothers on HGTV. So basically these guys drive around and pick up people's trash and make it into something new and take it back. Now I don't mean old diapers and stuff. They did something with an old ironing board, but that was ending as I turned it on. Then they found an old dining table with 4 chairs. So they turned it into like a hutch with drawers, it was pretty awesome. So they take it back, ring the doorbell and watch the family come out, and the kids are excited and so is the hubby but the wife I don't think she smiled once. Cause you know what I am thinking? Sure you do...sit down while I tell you a story..Once upon a time...ok just kidding but....I think it was either 1.) the ex-wife's table and chair set or 2.) the mother in law from H E double hockeysticks table and chair set, and the new wife had been secretly wiping it down with bleach, smacking it with a hammer and loosening the screws and complaining "get this out of my house, it is a danger to the children" so the hubby finally agrees and reluctantly puts it out on the curb, kissing it goodbye, remembering the good times he had on the you will have to decide 1.) where the table came from (see choices above) and 2.) decide what happened on the table....only to find out the Junk Brother Fairies came in the middle of the night and re-finished it as good as new, in a new found use, and it is back in the house again. Now of course this is just in my twisted mind, but makes the story seem much more fun, doesn't it? So my tip for the day, if you are trying to get something out of your house you don't want refurbished and brought back to haunt you till you die, (taunting you silently -"he loves me more") I suggest you totally dismantle, cut up, throw in a dumpster somewhere else, will be back....(play Twilight Zone music here)
Thanks for stopping in!
Hugs, Di