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June 2010

Favorite Thoughts

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Can you tell I love this greeting?  I have used it so many times, and it works perfect with the crown from Artistic Etchings.  And little Sally the bear wants to be queen for the day. Did you ever play dress up or just play pretend stuff when you were growing up?   

Melissa and I were talking today about how things are so different now.  We had to use our imagination when we were kids.  I remember putting the lawn chairs out on the lawn and we would put blankets over top and that was our house.  There was an old rusted out car and we would sit and pretend to be driving.  We would play Charlie's Angels riding our bikes down the road to play with friends. We were the Bionic Woman, making that clicking noise with our mouth as we ran along.  Now kids play video games all the time, watch tv and it seems like they don't have to use their imagination.  Although the new Wii system I think is good for getting you off your butt.  Eric got one for his birthday last year.  I want to get the Wii Fit thing for it.  Does anyone have it?  Is it good?

So I went and got my shoes today, and even tried on a few shirts, losing an ear ring in the process...grrr...  But I am excited for Wednesday, and can hardly wait.

I have class tomorrow at MAMMa's and I can hardly wait to see her, it seems like it has been forever.

I also got notice that my catalogs should get here tomorrow.  So make sure if you want one mailed to you, to go to this link so you can get one.  If you are wanting to pick one up, please let me know to reserve one for you.

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 Stamp Set: Artistic Etchings, Beary Best Friends, Favorite Thoughts

Paper: Soft Suede, Baja Breeze, Greenhouse Gala, Watercolor paper

Ink: Jetblack stazon, Sahara Sand, More Mustard, Daffodil Delight, Soft Suede, Blushing Bride, Pear Pizzazz

Misc: Blender pen, Vintage Wallpaper Embossing folder

Well I am headed to bed, I have a bit of a headache, and sometimes my stinkin' tooth still is bothering me.  It still seems to be sensitive to cold, and if it keeps it up I will call the dentist next week.

Have an awesome Friday and thanks for stopping in.

Signature orange long

6 Days and Counting

I'm all ready...are you?

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I got my popcorn cup, my drink cup, and my fangs. I got my Cullen T-shirt and I go pick up my new shoes in the morning! Thank goodness I got lots of stamping to do, and also finalizing my script for my Demo at Convention and that will keep my mind off waiting for the movie....

I just finished watching Jimmy Kimmel and most of the Eclipse cast was on there, and it was pretty good. They had some funny moments.  One wacko lady wasted air time by asking if the cast had Beiber Fever, obviously they didn't have to tell what they were gonna ask.  I was wanting the big cane hook to drag her off stage. Puhleeze!

Well I'm back to stamping, I'll have something to share with you tomorrow.

Have an awesome Friday and thanks for stopping in!

Signature orange long

Technique Lover's Class - Side Step Card

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Well it's a good thing I went to bed early last night, as Toby had me up twice with the sh!ts.  He got a hold of a piece of lettuce when Eric was making his BLT last night and maybe that did it.   

My tooth is much better today, hardly feel it at all.  I guess it was just a lot being done to that poor tooth yesterday, I can only imagine if I didn't have novacaine. Can you just imagine? Brrrr........

So this is one of the cards from the Technique Lover's Class, and this is a Side Step card, and I got the layout from Markie's Mom over at Splitcoast Stampers.

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Stamp Set: Teeny Tiny Wishes, All a Flutter

Paper: Chocolate Chip, Pumpkin Pie, Watercolor paper, Baja Breeze, Greenhouse Gala DSP

Ink: Jetblack Stazon, So Saffron, Pumpkin Pie, Baja Breeze

Misc: Daffodil Delight Taffeta, Flower brads, Gold Glow Smooch Spritz 

The catalogs are almost here so make sure you get yours ordered.  Here is the link to get to the paypal thingie if you want your catalog mailed to you.

Well not much else from me today, just busy stamping and cutting paper. Oh and Eric just came in and said WipeOut is on so gotta go....(posted later) WipeOut was hilarious! I swear you can be having the worst day and this will make you laugh.  I also watched the new show that came on afterwards.  Downfall, and it was stupid.  Don't see that lasting very long.  Good name for it...ha!

Have an awesome Wednesday and thanks for stopping in!

Signature orange long

I Scream...

...for ice cream!

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Except I went in for a quick cleaning today at the dentist and instead got a two hour replacement crown. Ugh. I have had a tooth that was sensitive and I thought maybe the crown had a crack but instead there was a cavity on the base of the crown so I had to have it re-done, and now it is killing me, I hope it feels better tomorrow, I don't remember the other ones hurting this long, (6 hours later) but maybe since it was a tooth that had been worked on previously that is it.  I hate tooth pain, well I hate pain in general but it seems that tooth pain is worse then some others, maybe cause it is so close to the brain.

So this is another card copied and tweaked from the new catalog.  I used a different set and colors and stuff, but the layout is similar.

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  Stamp Set: Party Hearty, Sock Monkey Accessories

Paper: Old Olive, Tempting Turquoise, Whisper White, Island Oasis DSP, Watercolor Paper

Ink: Jetblack Stazon, Soft Suede, Pumpkin Pie, Tempting Turquoise, Rose Red

Misc: Scallop punch, Lace punch, Old Olive satin ribbon, blender pen, white watercolor pencil

Well I am gonna hit the hay and hope to wake up with no tooth ache.  

Have an awesome Tuesday and thanks for stopping in!

Signature orange long

This Is It

Because I Care close

So as I did up my swap for Robin, I did my Queen Bee card, I had on Micheal Jackson's This is It.  Wow it was amazing, I could hardly take my eyes off it, so it took me longer then it should have to do the swap cards.  That would have been quite the live show.  I loved the chick that played the guitar, she was incredible, that would be fun to do (in my next lifetime).  If you get a chance to watch it, you should.  I am so glad that they filmed all these practices and stuff, it is nice to see Micheal Jackson doing what he loved, and boy he still could move, and he looked like he was really having a blast.

I also saw a commercial today that made me smile.  It is for True Beauty and it shows a Down Syndrome girl being crowned the Queen at prom, and all the kids cheering and it reminded me of when Eric was in high school and he was on the football team.  

At the end of the year, Eric's teacher called us and said to make sure we came to the awards ceremony cause Eric was going to get an award.  I figured they were going to make up an award...not in a mean way but Eric did not play tons of times, and a lot of times he played in this other extra quarter, so that all the kids on the team got a chance. I loved that.  They even let Eric run with the ball and get a touchdown twice, and he ran like the bionic man, that kid could move.  Too funny they had been practicing this and Eric did not even tell us.  In fact Jeff was at the game and was screaming and hollering as Eric ran with the ball, and the coach said later "come back next week, we're gonna do it again!"   

I don't really know much sports stuff, never really was into them in school either.  So anyway, the coach got up and talked about the next award and how hard the player played, did his best and all that, and then he said Eric got the Player's Choice award, and Jeff and I were in tears, and Jeff was like "that is a real award".  Jeff had to explain later that it was his team mates that vote or decide who got the award and they gave it to Eric.  It was nice afterwards seeing all the players coming up to Eric and patting him on the back and congratulating him.  It made all those times when kids weren't so nice to him fade away, and realize kids will be kids, and when they grew up and matured they were all pretty cool. 

One of the things I like to do is make a card right out of the catalog.  I tweaked this one a bit cause I wanted to color the hydrangea.  I think this might be one of my favorite new sets.  I love the sets with all the details. Don't forget you can get it for free if you sign up to be a Demonstrator before the end of the month.  When you order the new color kit it comes with it.  Neat eh?

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 Stamp Set: Because I Care

Paper: Early Espresso, Blushing Bride, Whisper White, Pear Pizzazz, Watercolor paper

Ink: Jetblack Stazon, Blushing Bride, Regal Rose, Pear Pizzazz, Garden Green

Misc: Champagne Mist shimmer paint, White Satin, Scallop trim border punch

This is a 4x4 card.

Well Jeff and I watched Leverage, and it was so great, and I just finished watching True Blood, I did not realize how tall and lanky Eric was...what a handsome guy, no wonder my girlfriend Mandy loves him. 

 So it's late and my pillow is hollering at me. Have a great Monday and thanks for stopping in.

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