International Bazaar
Shoe is hot out.

Free Stamp Set of the Month - No Peeking

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I haven't done my Free Stamp Set of the Month for a while and I just love this little set "No Peeking" so thought it would be perfect with Christmas just 4 months away.  If I pick your name and you prefer wood just let me know.

I posted this the other day but wanted to put it in its own post so I could link to it.

For a chance to win this set, here are the details:  You will earn a ticket for each order you place in my online store in the month of August. Order twice and get two tickets and so on. There is no minimum order requirement to be eligible for the drawing. Sorry, but club orders, and workshop orders do not apply.

I'll draw a ticket to see who wins on September 1, and notify the winner.

Just a reminder online orders of $40.00 (before tax and shipping) earn Country Dozen Rewards toward free stamps.
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