Free Stamp Set (and Punch) of the Month - Pretty Petites
January 03, 2013
Clearance Rack Blitz - New Items Added!
Country Dozen Rewards - Free Stamps!
The Free Stamp Set for the Month (and matching punch!!) of January is "Pretty Petites". This is a brand spanking new set and matching punch. You can see it on this adorable shabby chic hello card.
For a chance to win this set, here are the details: You will earn a ticket for each order you place in my online store in the month of January. Order twice and get two tickets and so on. There is no minimum order requirement to be eligible for the drawing. Sorry, but club orders, and workshop orders do not apply.
I'll draw a ticket to see who wins on February 1, and notify the winner.
Just a reminder online orders of $40.00 (before tax and shipping) earn Country Dozen Rewards toward free stamps.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping in.