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November 2013

What a Doll

Country Dozen Rewards - Earn Free Stamps

7 page PDF - How to Watercolor with Ink Refills

Best of Snow - Frosty and the Hedgehogs are Back!

Weekly Deals - End November 25

Holiday Sales - Don't Miss Out!

OMG! I just had to share how adorable my little niece is getting. I mean she always has been adorable but she is getting quite the twinkle in her eye. It is so funny how someone can look like two people cause she looks like Courtney and Jason. The little stinker!

6 months

Can you believe she is 6 months old now? Courtney takes a picture of her each month with this sheep I sent her so you can see how big she is getting. When we turned 6 months, we got half of a birthday cake...I have pictures of me buck naked on the table (belly down, you couldn't see anything major) with the half circle cake...can't remember why I was naked...ha! I sure can't wait to meet her. I sent off some goodies for her a while back, I am just spoiling her from afar.

So I watched Survivor tonight and it is getting pretty good, but I wonder if any of the contestants want to tell Jeff to shut the heck up when they are trying to concentrate and he is screaming around them.

Have an awesome Thursday and thanks for stopping in.


Holiday Sale Starts Today!


Whatever you do, don't miss the 24 hour sale on these items only (ends November 20):

#126889 Stampin' Trimmer -Regular Price $29.95 Sale Price $20.97

#125586 Simply Scored Diagonal Plate - Regular Price $11.95 Sale Price $8.37

#131264 Many Marvelous Markers - Regular Price $109.95 Sale Price $76.97 

Below is the flyer for the rest of the items on sale from November 20-December 2, 2013

Download Holiday Sale Flyer

Discounts range from 20 - 50% - What a great time to do some Christmas shopping.

Please remember to use the item numbers on the flyer, especially if you are ordering the bundles.

Let me know if you want me to start a Hostess Code for you (this needs to be done before your order is placed) so your friends can order online and you could earn Hostess Benefits.

Have an awesome Wednesday and have fun shopping, I know I am!

Noel Cuteness

Country Dozen Rewards - Earn Free Stamps

7 page PDF - How to Watercolor with Ink Refills

Best of Snow - Frosty and the Hedgehogs are Back!

Weekly Deals - End November 25

My Paper Pumpkin November 002 copy

I got my Paper Pumpkin for November and I love it. I will admit I am not always liking every month but hey I am fine with it, I didn't like last month's project but I loved the stamp set, shown in this post so it is always a fun thing to see Jeff come in with the mail and he will say "The Pumpkin is here!"

This is this month's and when I saw the picture I thought "OMG am I going to have to sew all those hearts together?" Nope, it comes already done, a whole bunch of garland to use. Yay!!! Adorable!

My Paper Pumpkin November 001 copy

So cute eh?

I gotta go eat my fruit, I can't have any for two days...gotta get my fix.

Have an awesome Wednesday and thanks for stopping in.

This Week's Specials

Weekly deal 11-19

Here is todays weekly deal in my online store, remember this will change every Tuesday. Come and look at the deal and place your order right away for these great, discounted products.

I love my color coach and feel it is a must on everyone's stamping table, I use it all the time to color coordinate.  Also the talking tags labels, I used these last year in my Christmas cards, what fun it is to add a pesonal greeting to a card, whoever gets it just uses their smart phone to listen. This is especially nice if you have relatives from far away. How cute to sing a little birthday ditty to a sweet friend miles away. You can even put these on items like a book that will say return to so and so or like your catalogs with a call me message to place an order....hmmmm....I need to order more!!!!!!!!!

Please note that weekly deals will be offered while supplies last! The discount will appear in your shopping bag when you check out.

Have an awesome Tuesday...

Festive Flurry Ornament Kits in the House!!!

Country Dozen Rewards - Earn Free Stamps

7 page PDF - How to Watercolor with Ink Refills

Best of Snow - Frosty and the Hedgehogs are Back!

Festive Flurry Ornament closeup

Eek! my Festive Flurry Ornament Kits are here, and they are so cute!

Festive Flurry Ornament Kit

Aren't they gorgeous? If you are local I am going to do a class, make sure to let me know if you want to attend.

I hung up my Season of Style DSP wreath too. I just used dental floss, not sure I will use ribbon or not, I liked that the floss was almost invisible.

Season of Style Wreath on window

So I took some pictures of the girls today.

The babies are growing up

Look how big the babies are getting. Check out Shirley's beard (she is on the far left).  Tonight is the first night I have let them go to bed without the heat lamp, they have to get used to it. They move to the big run (in their little pen) this weekend. Will be interesting to see how that goes, fingers are crossed all goes well.


Pushing and shoving to get their closeup.


Here's a closer look at Shirley's beard. With Maggie photobombing the picture.

Around the water cooler

Fiji and Stella take a drink of their apple cider vinegar/water treat.

Fiji in the corner

You can't put Baby in the corner, but Fiji seems to like it.

Stella gives me the eye

Stella gives me the eye.

Mork & Mindy get a bath

Mork and Mindy take a bath. I need to get some logs and kinda "fence" this little area, I did have it in a big tub, but they prefer the ground cause they like to bath together.

You know how I am always talking about when I see 11:11 it makes me think of Poppa and Granny, well Gerri Andrade emailed me this information today and she got it from her friend and she said I could share it.  If anyone knows the original person that said it please let me know ok? Thanks Gerri.

"Whenever you see the sequence 111 or 1111 show up, it is a great sign of a golden opportunity. Both sequences mean that a "doorway" has opened up in which your intentions and goals will manifest extremely quickly. Seeing these numbers is almost like having the ability to make a wish when a cake with candles is presented to you.

The number 1 also shows up next to other numbers. 

A "3" next to the 1's asks you to surrender your goals and desires to Spirit, and ask for guidance about what is to manifest.

Whenever you see the # 4 next to 1's, it is a sign that the Angels seek to help you to manifest your heart's desire. Example: 114, 411, etc. Four ones - -1111 - - which adds up to "4" means that the angels want you to ask them to get involved with manifesting, especially when the manifesting involves your life's purpose or giving service to the world. 

1's next to 7's means that you will experience great fortune or what people call "good luck" that will lead you to manifest your heart's desire.

A "9" next to the 1's means that your goal is almost completed and/or that you are coming to the end of one phase of your life (one door is closing and another is opening).

The angels seek to give us answers and guidance in so many ways. When they call our attention to number sequences, it is a true sign of their love and power. The more you notice these signs, the more frequently they will show up in your life.

Once you understand the signs' meaning, and once you accept that they are not coincidences, but purposeful events, you will enjoy even closer communications with your angels.

These numbers could show up on a clock 11:11 a.m. or 11:11 p.m. or as an address on a house 1111 Main Street or 111 Elm Street. When you see them, what ever your belief, acknowledge that God/Spirit/Angels are telling you that you are on your path and say, "Thank you" for them talking to you.

These numbers can also show up on emails, receipts, sports game scores, phone numbers, license plates, page of a book, and many many more places. Once you start to notice them they become more noticeable to you.

We would be startled or frightened if a huge Angel appeared to us or spoke in our ear. The recurrence of the triple numbers is a subtle and constant reminder that something magical, something Divine is happening to us."
Doesn't that make you feel good? It does me.
Well this old gal is headed to bed.
Have an awesome Tuesday and thanks for stopping in.