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When I sent out the confirmation email to the girls that registered for Fall Fest I also sent out a request for donations if they wanted a chance to win a special goodie basket, this was just a basket I personally put together and was not part of their fee for attending Fall Fest. I am a vendor that is part of Quarters for a Cause and in September we are doing one that will benefit A New Leaf. I called them and asked what we could donate and they gave me a list of items.
Well let me tell you, I was tearing up when I saw the big line of Fall Fest stampers with their donations. Not just one or two items either, I mean Tari (and maybe more I just know cause she told me) she brought one item each off the list. I was thinking maybe we would collect a box or two, but look at this, 5 boxes worth of stuff that will mean so much, I should not be surprised but still I was so touched by everyone's generosity. I was going to just bring it to the auction in September but no way do I want to haul these heavy boxes on my own, so I will have Jeff load them in my truck and drop them off at the A New Leaf office instead.
Thank you so much everyone for donating.
Here's Kristine, the lucky winner of the basket!
I will post more pictures over the next few days, but this old woman is beat.
Have a blessed Sunday and thanks for stopping in....pssst...I'm sleeping in!